Blood Tests for Perimenopause

Many of us are in the throes of perimenopause. How do we monitor ourselves and what should we know?


There are few things we can get objective markers of with our health, but blood testing is one. Yes, it is a snapshot in time of what is occurring in our blood at a particular moment, but snapshots over time are helpful and necessary to track our health status.

Tests to order:
Progesterone (a hormone that is dominant in the two weeks before our periods. It is relaxing and can make us tired, it is called ‘nature’s Xanax’)

Estradiol (estrogen) (a hormone that is dominant from the day we get our period through ovulation, the first two weeks or so. It is what makes us feel juicy, sexy, womanly and my favorite word for estrogen is VERVE)

Testosterone (free and or total) (a hormone that is considered ‘male’ but women have it also! It gives us drive (not just sex drive, though it is helpful with that!), stamina, helps in muscle development and energy levels)

If you want to know if you are in perimenopause and how far you have progressed in this process that can last ten years, measure LH and FSH.

LH (Luteinizing Hormone) The brain-to-ovary hormone that tells the ovary to make progesterone

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is the brain-to-ovary hormone that tells the ovary to make estrogen

When To tTest?
If you are still cycling (getting your period): Test Progesterone and LH about a week before you start your period. If Day 1 is the day you start bleeding, measure it from day 18-24. Test earlier in a shorter cycle (21-26 days) and later in a longer cycle (28-32 days)

Test estradiol and FSH on day 2 or 3 of your menstrual cycle.

Testosterone can be measured any day.

It is also important to get a PELVIC ULTRASOUND with the vaginal scope called the TRANSVAGINAL ultrasound. Get a baseline of the width of the lining of your uterus, how your ovaries look, etc. The sizes. Repeat every few years to make sure nothing is growing there that should not be.

If you are skipping cycles. Do your best. Measure as close as you can to the recommendations, or just start measuring and figure you will need a few tests at various times to get the full picture.

Other tests to consider: I recommend measuring a full picture of your health, so order my Baseline Blood Panel with the Vitality Markers.

You can order through our cash lab. The full panel is about $360 and the sex hormones alone are just over $100.

Get information and get empowered!

Call our office to make an appointment or just to order your own tests 530-265-2220

What do you do with the blood test results? I love bio-identical hormone replacement.


Maternity Support Protocol


A Natural Approach to Hormone Replacement: Bio-identical Hormones for Women