COVID-19 Immune Support Protocol
Take for 3 months after you have recovered from COVID-19 at least
We have these at our office for your convenience or online HERE.
Best to check with your health care provider. This is a protocol I have put together for my patients and my family.
This is what I do as a DAILY ROUTINE to keep my immune system regulated:
Vitamins A, D, E and K mix (1 cap ADK Evail by Designs for Health), 1 cap a day with or without food or a 5,000 iu dose of Vitamin D3. Best to check your levels of Vitamin D via a blood test. We can order that from our office)
Omega 3 Fish Oils 2,000 mg a day (I take Monopure 1300 by Zymogen, 1 cap a day) or Standard Process Cod Liver Oil 3 caps a day.
Vitamin C- 1,000mg a day
Methylated B Vitamins (no folic acid)- I take Designs for Health B Supreme 1 to 2 caps a day in the morning after breakfast (best to take Bs with food)
Buffered Magnesium Chelate (Designs for Health)- 300mg before bed (2 caps). Helps with sleep and relaxation and muscle tightness/cramping.
Zinc, 30mg a day (Zinc Supreme by Designs for Health, take with food, never take on an empty stomach)
MegaSporeBiotic- a probiotic. Take 1 cap a day with food
If SICK with COVID-19:
Continue with the above protocol but boost Vitamin C to 3,000mg a day.
NAC 500mg twice a day
Quercetin 500mg twice a day
Turmeric (Cymbiotika’s Nexus 14 pumps a day or Apex Energetics Turmero Active 1-2 caps/day)
Lysine 1mg a day
Melatonin: is incredible for the immune system. Take 3mg before bed. Helps with sleep. May cause drowsiness.
If Lung symptoms:
Mediherb Bronceffect liquid, 1 tsp 2-3x a day in water without food.
Himalayan Salt Inhaler (on Amazon), breath in it for 10 mins 3x a day
If Gut symptoms:
See the Gut Restoration Protocol
If COVID-19 induced anxiety:
Zen Adapt by Allergy Research 1-3 caps a day
AdrenaCalm Lotion by Apex Energetics 1 to 3 pumps a day on thin skin areas of the body.
Eat foods high in Anti-oxidants: they break down free-radicals and stop oxidation (think inflammation) in your tissues. You can take them as supplements and/or eat them in your diet: acai, blueberries, raspberries, pomegranate, strongly colored foods. Also, eating garlic, onions, asparagus and other sulfur vegetables help make the body’s master antioxidant glutathione.
Eat Flavonoids: Citrus fruits, parsley, onions, berries, black tea, green and oolong tea, bananas, seabuckthorn, buckwheat and dark chocolate (70% or more cocoa content)
Best thing for the immune system
This information is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by a licensed physician. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem.