Dizziness & Vertigo- My Differential Diagnosis List

If you are feeling dizzy, like you or the world is spinning, or vertigo, here is the list I always consider:

  1. BPPV: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.  This occurs when the little crystals in your your ear become dislodged and cause dizziness related to changing positions that lasts a short time.  More info HERE.  Treatment is the Epley Maneuver.  

  2. Cervicogenic- this is the type of dizziness that is related to your cervical spine (neck).  When something is out of balance in the neck, dizziness can result.  Chiropractors are great for this.

  3. Cranial- sometimes there are cranial restrictions that cause dizziness.  Cranial sacral therapists are great to treat this type.

  4. Hormonal- When the thyroid is low or someone has low blood sugar, dizziness can result.  Blood tests are best to treat this.  See thyroid info HERE

  5. Eye Health- have you had your eyes checked in the past year? 

  6. Allergies- Try Claritin or Benadryl and see if change/alleviate dizziness.

  7. Sinuses-  Mucinex (over the counter at the drug store) will help drain sinuses.  Some people do well with Neti pots too.   From Nurse Danette Davis: Also for sinuses:
    Lay on bed with head hanging off the bed (upside down) and spray 2 sprays in each nostril and stay there for 10 minutes. Works wonders to break up thick mucus in the deeper sinuses.


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