Fuel Sources for Optimal Vitality CheckList- Vitality Blood Markers

Optimal vitality is my number one health goal. Vitality is only possible when our cells have sufficient fuel to function optimally and thus give us energy.  Here is a checklist of what I think is necessary for robust energy levels and the blood tests necessary for evaluation. 

Thyroid:  Thyroid hormones are used to regulate the rate of metabolism in every single cell of your body.  When thyroid levels are low, every cell “runs” slowly.  This can manifest as fatigue, weight gain, inability to lose weight, hair loss, slow brain function/brain fog, constipation (fewer than one BM a day), depression, infertility and more.  Blood Test: TSH, free T4, total T3, free T3, and the two thyroid antibodies (TPO antibodies and thyroglobulin antibodies).

Adrenal Glands: Adrenal glands are the body’s stress response system and are extremely important for quality of energy levels.  When these are worn down, one can experience extreme fatigue, overwhelm, and a sense of losing one’s spark.  When on overdrive, wired adrenal glands lead to anxiety, dread, insomnia, heart palpitation and more.  Blood Test: morning cortisol and DHEA-S.

Iron levels: Iron is mandatory for our cells to receive oxygen.  Our cells need glucose (food) and oxygen (air) to function well.  With low iron you will have cellular low oxygen.  It is important to correct iron deficiency anemia in order for all other imbalances/disorders/diseases to correct. Blood Test: ferritin (iron storage), iron saturation, TIBC, serum iron.

Blood Sugar Levels: Blood sugar that is too high, too low, or unstable can lead to fatigue, anxiety, unpredictable mood/energy fluctuations and more.  Test: fasting glucose and Hemoglobin A1C.

B vitamins: Important for mental clarity, energy levels, mood, nervous system health, liver detox pathways, arterial health and more. Test: homocysteine and B12.

Vitamin D:  Important for hormone balance, mood stability, and seasonal affective disorders.

Sleep:  Sleep is one of your most important fuel sources and absolutely indispensable for optimal health and vitality.  Night is when the body rests, the organs and brain clear waste products and reset, and rejuvenation occurs.  The best hours for sleep are 10pm to 6am for these important processes to occur.  Please, never underestimate the importance of sleep.  If you do not have good sleep hygiene, don’t bother with other steps.  If you cannot sleep despite your best effort, there are many reasons and please bring in your questions.

Chart for Fuel Source Optimal Blood Levels

Blood work is easily accessible through the cash lab we order through with 90% off insurance prices. 

Thyroid: TSH 1-1.5, Free T4 1.2-1.8, Total T3 120-180, Free T3 3.2-4.2, TPO Antibodies under 15, Thyroglobulin antibodies under 1.  More info from Dr Aviva Romm MD and my Thyroid Blog

Adrenals: Morning Cortisol 12-18 ug/dL, DHEA 150-250 ug/dL

Iron: Ferritin 35-100 ng/dL, the others in normal range

Blood Sugar: Fasting Glucose 85-99, HbA1C 4.5-5.6

B Vitamins: B12 800-1200, Homocysteine 7 or below        

Vitamin D: 50-70 ng/mL


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