Loss of Motivation vs. Fatigue

I began tracking something in December that I called "loss of motivation." At first I thought it was fatigue. Fatigue is what I am used to. Hallmarks are just plain old being tired, using stimulants to keep me going (caffeine, sugar/carbs). It usually gets worse in the afternoon but often doesn't stay for the evening. Catching a second wind after 8pm and often not sleeping well. That is what I was used to.

December marked a shift. I actually went off caffeine because I realized I was not tired, and it didn't feel like I needed it anymore. It may even have been throwing me off. But what I was noting is that I didn't want to take on anything new. I felt like hibernating. Within the course of a few weeks, I wanted to lay about reading a book. Usually, I fill every minute with activity, not wanting to miss a beat. But in December, I found myself reading on the couch in middle of the afternoon on the weekend! 

As I checked in, I called it "loss of motivation" because I did not want to take on anything new and I just wanted to be. As I spoke with patients and friends about this trend I was noticing, they said, "maybe you are just taking time to rest!" That made sense, indeed December marks a winter and hibernation in many other animals in our world. 

It has continued, and I have given this REST space and have pulled in from activities and focused on sleep and rejuvenation. What I notice is then I need to eat less, which in my case is a good thing. And I eat better because I am not using food as a stimulant. Sleep is more refreshing, I listen to book tapes, read and watch movies and I am noticing a deep reset. It has taken my family some adjustment, at first thinking something was wrong with me. But now we are all falling into a more peaceful pattern as us mamas can really set the tone of the family.

Are you feeling a similar pulling in? Do you have the space to be able to do so in your life? Can you make that space, ask for it?


Empathic Design of the Human Being


For My Kids- What I Want Them To Know