Never Not Broken- The Goddess Akhilandeshvari

I call on Akhilandeshvari, a Hindu Goddess archetype when I feel the brokenness in our world and in ourSelves. This brokenness in ourselves is not bad, and it is not our fault. It is a result of the collective soup we are swimming in that is based in polarization and power over. Us against them. Isolation. Separation. Hierarchy. 

Akhilandeshvari:“Ishvari” in Sanskrit means “goddess” or “female power,” and the “Akhilanda” means essentially “never not broken.” 

When people hear "never not broken" they hear "the always broken goddess." What I hear is a double negative, "never-not." A double negative makes a positive.

I hear, "Never not broken makes Always Whole"

But the brilliance and deep wisdom here is that the "Always Whole" includes the brokenness. The brokenness makes the wholeness possible.

These ancient Goddess and God archetypes hold keys to more unified mindsets and ways of thinking and being. They can be allies. They are also just plain old fun and fun to imagine and story about.

She rides on a crocodile because she has conquered her fear.

How are we both broken and whole? How does our brokenness.  lead to our wholeness? It can't not.


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