Protocol for Supporting the Body through COVID-19 Vaccination

This is what I am personally doing to prepare for the COVID-19 Vaccine


Vitamins A, D, E and K mix (I take ADK Evail by Designs for Health)

Omega 3 Fish Oils  3,000mg a day

Vitamin C- 3,000mg a day

Methylated B Vitamins (no folic acid)- I take Designs for Health B Supreme 2/day

Buffered Magnesium Chelate (Designs for Health)- 300mg before bed

Zinc, 30mg a day (Zinc Supreme by Designs for Health)

Eat foods high in Anti-oxidants: they break down free-radicals and stop oxidation (think inflammation) in your tissues.You can take them as supplements and/or eat them in your diet: acai, blueberries, raspberries, pomegranate, strongly colored foods.  Also, eating garlic, onions, asparagus and other sulfur vegetables help make the body’s master antioxidant glutathione.

Eat Flavonoids: Citrus fruits, parsley, onions, berries, black tea, green and oolong tea, bananas, seabuckthorn, buckwheat and dark chocolate (70% or more cocoa content)

I will continue this protocol until at least 3 weeks after the second vaccine.  Though I do this protocol in general to support my health.

Melatonin: is incredible for the immune system.  It is the sleep hormone.  I keep a spray bottle on my nightstand and will take 3mg to sleep if I have problems falling asleep or wake up and cannot fall back to sleep.

Day of Vaccine:

If I feel a shock to the system, I will take 1M of Aconitum Napellus, which is my favorite homeopathic remedy and it is for shock.  The world for me can be very shocking, so this is always in my purse.  I take 3 pellets being careful not to touch them.


If I feel inflamed I may take Cymbiotica’s Nexus product with CBD and Turmeric.

I will use an ice pack at the site of injection after the injection

I will not use any immune stimulating herbs or supplements (beta glucans or immune stimulating mushrooms).  I don’t use these in general.

All these products are for sale at our office and HERE.


Help Your Body Cope With Wildfire Smoke


Summary of Dr. Datis Kharrazian DC PhD Immune Talk 3/27/2020