Supplements to Support Kid's Bodies When Vaccinating- Conscious Vaccination

Immunizations with Intention

(ages 5 and over)

We all want to be conscious about how to take care of our bodies, which includes vaccination.

  • Research exactly what vaccines are required for school and only allow those vaccines (avoid flu shots, etc).  

  • Do not allow more than one vaccine at a time (unfortunately MMR and Tdap are 3 in one).  Ideally, wait 4-8 weeks between vaccines to allow the immune system to recover.

  • Do not give a vaccine if the child is sick, even if it is a little runny nose. 

  • Document each vaccine administered (exact date and time given, product name, manufacturer, lot number, injection site).

Routine Supplements

My kids take these about 3 or 4 days a week. They eat well so I do not have them take anything daily.

Fish Oils- Nordic Naturals ProOmega Junior, 2 capsules or Children’s DHA Gummies by Nordic Naturals.  Goal is 1,000mg per dose.

Vitamin D3+K2 Gummies (Nordic Naturals), 1 to 2 gummies.  Goal is 1,000 iu per dose.  Do not exceed 7,000 iu a week without blood testing.

B Supreme by Designs for Health  (1 cap) or they have in in liposomal liquid, 1 pump.

Two weeks before vaccination:

-Omega 3s Essential Fatty Acids (fish oils).  ProOmega Junior (Nordic Naturals) is my boys’ fav, 2 caps a day.  Vegans/Vegetarians can use the Nordic Naturals Algae Omegas. Children’s DHA Gummies by Nordic Naturals are also great.  

-Vitamin D (always mix it with Vitamin K2).  Yummiest is D3+K2 Gummies by Nordic Naturals.  Good drops are -

-Bio-ADEK-Mulsion (by Biotics Research) (has vitamin A, D, E and K) or plain vitamin D3 (1,000 to 4,000/day depending on age).  Or OrthoMolecular Vitamin D3 with K2, 1 drop/day.  Aim for 1,000 iu a day around vaccines.

-Glutathione.  Oxicell SE Glutathione Lotion (by Apex Energetics) for kids who can’t take pills-  1 pump of lotion on skin once a day.  If a kid can do liquid and not too picky about taste, Trizomal Glutathione is great at 1 tsp a day.

- Turmero Active by Apex Energetics, 1 tsp a day or Nordic Naturals Curcumin Gummies (2-4 gummies a day)

-Magnesium- in the form of Magnesium Glycinate (my fav is Designs for Health Magnesium Buffered Chelate Powder) 50-300mg before bed.  Epsom Salt baths are also great.

Day of Vaccine  

1 or 2 doses of turmeric.  It may help block the ability of the adjuvants to trigger a long term immune reaction.  You can continue with the turmeric daily after the vaccination for a few weeks at the same dosage, helps calm inflammation and modulate the immune system.

At time of vaccine injection: Visualize golden liquid entering your child’s arm serving their highest health and the highest good of humanity. This makes me feel better if nothing else.  I also tell my kids to imagine the golden liquid and remind them of the innate power and intelligence of their bodies.

Immediately after the vaccination: We go get ice cream! Try to make it light and fun.  Do not show worry or concern.  

After vaccine for 2 weeks or more

Use a heavy metal detox supplement that is super gentle.  I really like Zeolite, which is a detox support made from the crystals formed of where lava meets water.  I use ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results DNA.  3-6 sprays twice a day.

Continue with the above protocol.

Quality of supplements matter.  The FDA does not regulate vitamin supplements so it is up to the companies themselves to pay for external testing of ingredients and finished products.  Just as we would only want to put good fresh organic foods in our bodies as much as possible, so too do we want to only use excellent quality supplements.  Taking poor quality supplements can be worse than not taking them at all.  

All supplements recommended are available at our office and online at


Document any and all reactions and go to your doctor if any reaction occurs so it can be documented.  Get a copy of your medical records if an adverse reaction is recorded.  Acute reactions occur within minutes to hours.  Subacute reactions can take up to a few months to appear.  Monitor your child’s language and motor development, play behaviors, irritability, social engagement (eye contact, smiling at people), energy levels and make sure they seem themselves for a few months after the vaccine.


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