The Magic of Homeostasis

The human body is a miracle.  It is constantly working on our behalf to maintain balance, equilibrium and health without as much as a conscious thought from us.  This constant balancing mechanism is called HOMEOSTASIS, and it is the principle by which the human body operates.  It is important to understand it as a principle because a “principle” is defined as a comprehensive and fundamental law in how a system is constructed, the underlying facts or laws of nature.  When we understand the magic of homeostasis, the fact that it is the underlying law of our human bodies is rather mind blowing.  Just how much our bodies are constantly working for us makes them an ally, a gift, something to be honored and respected.

In our rather dead and mechanistic view of the body, finding a definition of homeostasis that shines light on its brilliance was difficult.  Oxford Dictionary's definition exemplifies, "the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes."  It is like homeostasis is an accident!  No wonder we mentally skip over the magic when we learn about it in this way.  The best definition I could find is from Merriam Webster, “a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group.”  At least this definition acknowledges interconnection and the interdependent system of our bodies, but still, it is so inanimate!

What if you went to search for a definition of homeostasis and found, "the defining principle of the human body in which the body always seeks balance, equilibrium and stability through complex mechanisms constantly at work in support of the body's ultimate health and well being."  This is how it should be defined if we want to love our bodies and our lives and what it is to exist as whole.  And I add, "AND, it is INNATE!  It occurs without our conscious doing or thinking, it is always at work to support and nourish us and only when this homeostasis is disrupted over a long term period of time or powerful way can the body lose balance and acquire dis-ease."

How would that alone change the way you think of your body?

I propose we reclaim the magic of our bodies, do what we can consciously to support our innate homeostasis and enjoy this human journey.


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