Train your Mind-- Vipassana Meditation
We go through many changes in our lives, always moving into our next level of wholeness. READ more about this HERE. After I graduated high school it was my first real instance where I had a choice on what to choose next. I chose to take a year off to travel the world before I “settled down.” Then I took another year. I took three of what are now called “gap” years. Thank goodness they have become so popular they now have a name! I traveled the world and also traveled inward with meditation retreats.
I did my first 10-day Buddhist Vipassana Meditation retreat when I was 19 years old in Thailand. I thought I would die every day as I sat wondering if I could even keep my eyes closed for an hour as everyone around me sat seemingly expertly looking like buddhas while I was tortured by my thoughts and body. In silence, I endured for 9 days until we could all finally talk on day 10. As people shared, I realized they were all struggling like me.
And I loved it.
I did four more 10-day courses in the next six years and they really changed my life.
Made me learn how to understand my mind and train it. It is a mindfulness technique.
Vipassana is a breathing technique where you use your body to be mindful, gain awareness, and observe your reaction patterns and thoughts. It was invaluable training for me, and these courses are completely accessible as the centers that offer them are all run by volunteers and donations.
There are no prohibitive costs and these centers are all over the world. It is non-demoninational and open to all religions and people.
If you have time and want a deep yet expertly guided dive into your Self, we have a center close to us in North Fork, CA.