Support for Baby
My video
Start Tummy Time at Birth: Tummy time ½ hour a day in small bits. Laying baby on your chest counts. If your baby is immediately fussy in tummy time and doesn’t like it, this is an indication that the baby may have musculoskeletal or cranial restrictions and needs to be seen for chiropractic and/or craniosacral therapy.
Teething/Fever: Teething Tincture by Herblore and Calcium Lactate tablets (break them up for the baby to swallow) from Standard Process. 1 to 3 tablets, up to 2x/day
Colic: Read BabySense Secret by Meg Faure to make sure baby is not overstimulated. Craniosacral Therapy. Block Feeding (3 hours on one breast, then 3 hours feeding on the other. Ideally ask a lactation consultant about this). Infant massage. Have mom take probiotics and Omega 3s. Have mom take Zypan (2 tabs with each meal) to help her break down her own protein so undigested protein does not go into breast milk and cause irritation to baby’s gut. Consider removing nightshades and chocolate from diet. Watch my video on my website on Baby’s Sleep and Senses.
Reflux: Dietary changes for mom if baby is breastfeeding. Craniosacral. See Colic. Have mom take Zypan (2 tabs with each meal) to help her break down her own protein so undigested protein does not go into breast milk and cause irritation to baby’s gut). Consider removing nightshades and chocolate from diet. Dairy is also a trigger.
Gut Disturbances/Gas: Follow Reflux protocol. If you add probiotics, start with mom taking them. If not enough, I recommend Klaire Infant probiotics. There will be an aggravation for the first few days as there is a “die off” of bacteria in the gut, so push through and stay on them. Don’t go on and off.
Diaper Rash: Weleda Calendula Diaper Cream with zinc. If yeast rash (you will know if it is yeast because it is “fire engine red” and does not respond to regular diaper creams) then you go to the pharmacy and buy athlete’s foot cream with clotrimazole. Apply to rash 2x/day until it clears. We have an additional handout on RASHES
Dr. Heather recommends not vaccinating on the day of birth with Hepatitis B as this is a blood-born illness and transmitted like HIV. It can wait till your child’s immune system becomes more robust.