Structural Integration
with Tim McNeely
As an educator and certified advanced practitioner of Structural Integration, Tim has devoted his life to Ida Rolf’s 10-Series “recipe.” This process - perhaps the deepest, most anatomically informed, and holistic of any bodywork protocol - organizes and aligns the human being in relationship to itself and its environment for maximum ease and potential. These ten sessions are Dr. Rolf’s lasting gift to humankind. She famously said, “when the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through, then spontaneously, the body heals itself.” Clients agree, reporting:
Freedom from pain
Increased movement and flexibility
More joy and possibility in life
Awareness through body intelligence
Improved relationship with self and others
Healing trauma
Upgrade in athletic performance and movement practices such as yoga, Pilates, and martial arts
“Getting unstuck”
Tim believes, like the giants of the Human Potential movement that came before him, that integrated beings create integrated relationships; integrated relationships create integrated communities, and integrated communities create an integrated world. In the decade he has been in western Nevada County he has taken 1% of this wonderful population through the transformative experience of the 10-Series. The impact can be seen and felt.
Tim McNeely is a certified practitioner through the Guild for Structural Integration and a certified Anatomy Trains (ATSI) Advanced Practitioner. He has his B.A. in Urban Sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York City. He was a resident at the Esalen Institute and is a certified Esalen massage practitioner licensed in California. He has done extensive training in CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation through the Upledger and Barral institutes and is a regular participant in anatomical dissections with Gil Hedley and Tom Myers.
Tim is the co-founder and lead instructor of TensegrityU, an open-source, scholarship-based, inclusive program providing practitioner trainings in Structural Integration for those who have historically been unable to access this education due to geographic, social, and economic barriers.
For more about Tim and the 10-Series go to
From Dr. Heather: I had heard about Tim McNeely from many patients and even my parents for years. Finally, after one particularly persuasive patient told me I had to go see Tim after Tim had healed his knee, I decided to give Tim and rolfing a try.
May of 2021 I started into my 10 Series with Tim. Ida Rolf created this series of bodywork sessions (in the 1960s I think) to focus on the balance in the full body and how the body dealt with gravity. She wanted to give our bodies a way to be straight and integrated and not pulled into distortion patterns and bad posture, especially as we age. I had always heard that rolfing hurts and I was a little nervous about that.
Tim immediately made me feel comfortable. He explained things really well and within that first session, I could feel I was in the hands of a master. It was amazing to have someone so skilled work with my body and literally remold it so that I could stand straighter, breath better, open my thoracic and free my body of pain. It was incredible to do the whole 10 series and life transformative really.
I highly recommend it!